
DVG - Stuka Leader

Created by Dan Verssen Games

The German Air War Over Europe During WWII

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NEW Viking Kickstarter from DVG!
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 10:51:30 AM

Check out our Solitaire Vikings boardgame live on Kickstarter now! Also playable with 2 to 4 players! Launch your viking raiders! Gather loot! Become the legend!

From Dan Verssen
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 01:09:58 PM

= DVG – Closing Out 2023 and Charging Into 2024 =

2023 was a year of growth and change for DVG. We released a ton of new game, expansions, and reprints of your favorite games. It was a very busy year. We also expanded our international support for Kickstarters with fulfillers in Australia, United Kingdom, France, and Canada, as well as our own fulfillment in the United States.

As with any growth year, there were bumps. Working with new companies always takes a breaking in period to get used to how everyone works. We also had some changes in staff. We hired on some new people, and some full time people needed to reduce their hours to part-time due to their life circumstances.

Here is where we are with the games we have in the production pipeline…

Eagle Leader and Fulcrum Leader – Due to real-world defense jobs of the design teams, and the situation in Ukraine, both of these games fell behind schedule. Both games are now nearing completion, and I hope to send files to the printer soon.

Flying Tigers Leader – This game is also wrapping up layout, and should be able to go to the printer soon.

3rd Option – Is at the printer and is being printed.

Heroic Stands Series – Just arrived at the DVG warehouse, and we will start the mailing pack-out.

Warfighter Vietnam – Is in final design and layout, and should go to the printer before the end of the year.

Field Commander Lee – I am working on laying out the final counters, and they should be done in the next couple weeks. We have the core game, and three of the five expansions finished.

We’re ramping up DVG for 2024. We have many new games in the works. We’ll have some entirely new lines and some new additions to your favorite games.

I’m mostly concentrating on enlarging the support aspects of the company, both online customer support, as well as email customer support. Our goal is to have two or three people handling customer service this year. As we produce more games, our customer base increases, and the amount of support required also increases.

Thank you all for making 2023 a great year for DVG. We hope that 2024 will be even better!

Updated Campaign Sheets
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 02:39:02 PM



Vlad and I have put together the updated Campaign Sheets that we have been waiting for.

These sheets have the updated SO point totals for late war campaigns when Aircraft are not cheap. I also corrected a couple of spelling errors and some other small corrections.

I truly apologize for the need to fix these, but I hope this PDF will help out.

You may print these on cardstock and replace the originals, or just fix your present ones.

Lastly, I added a quick paragraph on the Grand Campaigns explaining how they work.


Warfighter Vietnam Kickstarter is Live!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 10:52:46 AM

Kevin Erik Verssen came up with some really killer mechanisms that you're going to enjoy - and the games are white-knucklers - with some really scary choices to make sometimes. 

With the guidance of @Dan Verssen, the development team of Kevin, Kevin Cave, Ben Smith,Holly Verssen, have been hard at work on this game - and it definitely shows. 

We can't wait for you to play this game when it's published! Let's rock and roll!